​Ingredientes: 4 o 6 supremas de pollo, queso gruyere aceite, 1 cebolla picada, laurel, condimentos, caldo, 1 vaso de vino blanco, 1 pote de crema
Preparación: Rellenar las supremas con el queso. Dorarlas en aceite. Sacarlas y rehogar la cebolla con el laurel y los condimentos a gusto y poner ½ taza de caldo. Agregar el vino y la crema. Volver a poner las supremas. Servir con arvejas
| ​Ingredients: 4 or 6 chicken breasts , Gruyere cheese oil, 1 chopped onion, bay leaves, seasonings broth, 1 glass of white wine, 1 cup of whipping cream
Directions: Stuff the chicken breasts with the cheese. Brown them in oil. Take them out and sauteé onion with the bay leaves and the seasonings to taste and put ½ cup of broth. Add the wine and cream. Put the chicken breasts back. Serve with peas